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17 Hospital Locations, NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, 5 Urgent Care Centers, 22 Rehab Specialty Services 30 Testing & Imaging Centers and 50+ Outpatient Center.

Our health system with teaching and non-teaching hospitals offer versatility and variety for you when you’re looking to expand your practice and knowledge. Given our service to patients across the healthcare spectrum, you can explore various interests and specialties that are not available at other hospitals or systems.  Come be engaged as a Jefferson Nurse where the opportunities to grow are endless.

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Registered Nurse

Aurora, CO
$35.29 - 54.71 per hour
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Nurse Practitioner - Hillsboro OR

MRG Exams
Hillsboro, OR
$60 per hour
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Nurse Practitioner - Hillsboro OR

MRG Exams
Lake Oswego, OR
$60 per hour
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Nurse Practitioner - Hillsboro OR

MRG Exams
North Plains, OR
$60 per hour
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Nurse Educator

Bethesda Health Group
Ferguson, MO
$63943 - 106407 per year
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Nurse Educator

Bethesda Health Group
Troy, IL
$63943 - 106407 per year
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Career Resources

2023 Nursing trends and salary survey results

The more than 3,500 nurses who took part in the American Nurse Journal’s seventh annual Trends and Salary Survey helped paint a slightly more hopeful portrait of nursing in 2023 with regard to turnover rates, higher salaries, and personal safety. However, challenges still exist. For example, although a smaller percentage of nurse managers report more open positions in the past 12 months, they told us that recruiting to fill those vacancies has been harder this year than last. And most nurse managers say turnover increased in the past 12 months, though at a lower percentage than in 2022.

Job satisfaction (flat for nurse managers at 63% but up from 65% to 70% for clinical nurses) may play a role in the slight improvement in turnover. A contributing factor to the job satisfaction rise could be improved staffing levels, with 56% of clinical nurses reporting that staffing levels at their organization met patient needs at least 80% of the time— an increase from 49% the year before.

RSS Career Resources

  • Can this marriage be saved? Nurses and health systems in crisis
    COVID-19 exacerbated long-standing gaps and inequities in the healthcare system, which have had a profound effect on the nursing workforce. Research by Martin and colleagues indicates that, in the aftermath of the crisis, 22% to 32% of nurses are actively considering leaving their position or even the profession. The nearly one-third of nurses contemplating this […]
  • Mentorship: A strategy for nursing retention
    The limited pool of qualified nursing staff readily available to provide safe, quality care taxes the human capital management of healthcare organizations worldwide. To maintain an adequate workforce and prepare for future growth, healthcare organizations must develop a robust, cost-effective retention plan that addresses nurses’ needs. That plan should include structured mentorship programs to support […]
  • CMS establishes minimum LTC staffing standards
    In a significant move toward achieving safe nurse staffing levels, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established minimum staffing standards for nurses in long-term care (LTC) facilities across the country.
  • From data to action
    In 2023, the Nurse Staffing Task Force, a collaboration between the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), an ANA organizational affiliate, outlined five imperatives, 16 recommendations, and 65 associated actions to actualize a sustainable nursing workforce.
  • 2023 nursing trends and salary survey results
    More than 3,500 nurses took part in the American Nurse Journal’s seventh annual Trends and Salary Survey.
  • The Grinch and “grumpy staying”
    “Grumpy staying,” a workforce trend cited as a characteristic of some in the workplace, refers to high-potential employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs but choose to stay in their current positions rather than seek other opportunities.

Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurse Direct Access

Allied Digestive Health
Albany, NY

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Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) /Registered Nurse (RN)

Bethesda Health Group
Waterloo, IL
$26 - 47.43 per hour
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Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) /Registered Nurse (RN)

Bethesda Health Group
Florissant, MO
$26 - 47.43 per hour
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Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) /Registered Nurse (RN)

Bethesda Health Group
Saint Louis, MO
$26 - 47.43 per hour
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Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) /Registered Nurse (RN)

Bethesda Health Group
Valley Park, MO
$26 - 47.43 per hour
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Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) /Registered Nurse (RN)

Bethesda Health Group
Saint Ann, MO
$26 - 47.43 per hour
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